Business Process Automation Impacts Healthcare

Intelligent Automation Benefits Health Industry and Patients

Business process automation is trending in every industry, including healthcare. But are you tired of tracking each move of your data for compliance? Do you have trouble sleeping for fear of a patient data leak? The fines for non-compliance can be incredible.

Doctors and healthcare managers struggle to manage with less staff, more patients, and many more rules about data compliance. Healthcare agencies also face hiring, marketing, and other business processes common to all other companies.

When looking for ways to expedite your business processes in your medical office, then intelligent business process automation may be the key to success.

Table of Contents:

  1. Intelligent Business Process Automation in Healthcare
  2. How AI and Automation Benefits Providers
  3. How Intelligent Automation Helps Patients
  4. Use Cases for Intelligent Automation in Healthcare
  5. Where Healthcare Providers Can Find Automation Solutions

Intelligent Business Process Automation in Healthcare

Businesses of all types have been studying and refining business process management to optimize business processes and outcomes. These can include monitoring, analysis, automation for redundancy, and more.

Automation as a solution to workflow processes has been proven in all industries, yet the healthcare industry remains behind. As a result, Healthcare has a great need to see BPM, innovative AI automations, and streamlined business processes for efficiency.

Efficiency is not about replacing much-needed staff. Today's healthcare industry is short-staffed and automating redundant processes frees up skilled workers for patient care. The need for intelligent business process automation strategies has never been more evident than in recent years.

Many industries directly tied to healthcare are improving their overall activities using business process automations. These industries can include manufacturing and logistics for supplies used in hospitals. With the many surprise inventory shortages that have recently occurred, the addition of AI-based robotic process automation or RPA has helped solve a real crisis.

In any setting, including healthcare, there is a symbiotic relationship between Information and Communication Technology and the ability to reengineer business processes. When considering the overall benefits of investing in automation, it is usually broken down into four levels of risk and returns.

  • Rationalization of Procedures: This is when a business process is streamlined to increase effectiveness. That could mean increased leads through better communication; for example, it could be automated cart reminders or marketing emails.
  • Automation: Transforms business procedures by utilizing available technologies to change repetitive manual tasks into ones performed by technology.
  • Business Process Reengineering (BPR): This focuses on higher risks/returns through better process management.
  • Paradigm Shifts: This is when a business uses ICT to change the business model altogether.

Healthcare Needs Intelligent Process Automation

With nightmare staff shortages and vast influxes of sick patients, healthcare facilities and providers beg for solutions. Intelligent process automation is one method of sharing the healthcare industry's burden.

Hospitals, clinics, doctors' offices, and other healthcare facilities share similar shortcomings with different businesses. There are bottlenecks, long waiting times, and repetitive tasks. Frustrating and severe weakness in being able to provide quality service to patients. The business process side is inefficient, which only adds to the costs shouldered both by patients and providers.

To lower costs, improve service times, and deliver better quality healthcare to make a difference in patients' lives, facilities need to include automation.

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How AI and Automation Benefits Providers

Before you want to dive in and invest in an overhaul of your entire office process, you want to understand how it will benefit you as a healthcare provider or facility. For example, how will this investment improve and lighten the workload on your staff? What will the ROIs look like for this type of undertaking? All these are great questions.

Let's look at the top benefits that providers experience when including AI and automation in their business processes.

  • Streamlined Tasks: Artificial intelligence has been changing the way healthcare looks. Many providers have already tapped into innovations, including clinical translations, appointment scheduling, and tracking a patient's health statistics.
  • Save Time: When AI and automation handle your scheduling issues far more often than your nurses, you save productivity hours. In every sector, including healthcare, time is money. So saving time by streamlining tasks adds huge ROIs at the year's end.
  • Save Staffing Resources: Right now, medical professionals are a staffing treasure. The shortages in the industry make every hand available that much more valuable. You free up medical staff to deliver more time to patients when you can automate vital processes, business tasks, and even human resources. More time to be available to diagnose, treat, and heal. AI may be saving you time and resources, but that may save a patient's life.
  • Aids with Research: Along with real-time access to patient data, automation also allows researchers to track patient progress, which can help with research. AI can help detect symptoms far earlier than the doctor and patient. Early detection, in many instances, means a better outcome.
  • Lowers Stress: The top benefit to health care providers is reduced overall stress. Research shows that many physicians and healthcare providers suffer from burnout. In addition, surveys indicate that impending deadlines for paperwork are a significant cause of stress, and this is one area in that automation dramatically reduces the burden.

How Intelligent Automation Helps Patients

Many studies are showing that intelligent automation has the potential to save millions of lives. Saving lives is the reason professionals get into the healthcare industry. Here are ways patients benefit from AI and automation.

  • Preventing Deaths Through Better Diagnosis
  • Helping Find New Cures by Aiding Research
  • Automation and AI Can Reduce Medical Errors
  • AI Can Double-Check Prescription Interactions
  • Automation Reduces Patient Stress
  • Better Patient Healthcare Participation

Use Cases for Intelligent Automation in Healthcare

Business process automation delivers huge ROIs for healthcare providers. Obviously, the other advantages of improved healthcare options for patients and providers leading to healthier, longer lives is the highlight. What can you do with intelligent automation in healthcare?

  • Pre-Authorize Insurance
  • Track the Patient Journey
  • Automate Internal Workflows
  • Manage HIPAA Compliance
  • Process Payments
  • Recruiting and Onboarding
  • Improved Patient Diagnosis

Where Healthcare Providers Can Find Automation Solutions

Some fantastic health innovations are being done using AI and automation in healthcare. However, it can be overwhelming just wondering where to begin or which part of the office to start your streamlining process. So, where do you find specialists?

You can hire and build your own IT team to automate and streamline the workflow processes throughout your healthcare facility or office. However, there are additional costs and hiring time constraints with this option. It can take as much as a year and a half to build an entire team.

The other option is to call a readily available team of elite coders, UX designers, and workflow process specialists who build automations for businesses. Contact DataCose! Here our team of AI and automation experts can help you discover the shortcuts and intelligence available to improve the services you provide to your patients, all while cutting your overall costs and stress.

Fill out the form below, we can discuss how we can help. With a no-obligation review, you can learn how your healthcare facility can benefit from intelligent business process automation.

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